Saturday, May 5, 2012

Voyage to Arles (5/5/12)

To those who are interested, Today I woke up at 7:08 after a helpful wake-up call from my mother back in the states. (There is a 9 hour time difference, meaning mom called me at 10:08 pacific time.) Surprisingly I was awake enough to gather the strength necessary to take my shower (entailing a soapy rubdown and shampoo for healthy lettus) a qick shave and a few strokes of the brush for my teeth! The night before I had eaten Argentinian for the first time with two beautiful women: my sister and a very close family friend. (I have had minimal contact with the male human since my arrival and it makes me feel like a fucking silverback!) We got home pretty late (early enough to take the metro, however) and I was unable to fal asleep until 4 because of the still present jet lag. The espresso I just had is what gave me the motivation to this or else I would most likely be sleeping. Zoe kindly accompanied me to the Gare de Lyon after some simple navigation through Paris transit (le metro 6 jusqu'a Charles de Gaulle-Etoile puis le RER jusqu'a la Gare). Once on the platform, Lucy, my futur wife and a former Drew student, wished that the forced be with me on my journey via a text message sent from New York. I assured her my metaclourine count was elevated. I kissed my sister goodbye before entering the train, and watched her weep violently as we pulled away at 8:49. It is exactly 10:15 at the moment and so far I have continued to read Kurt Vonnegut's Breakfast of Champions, which I started on the plane flight over here, and have written this entry for my audience. I arrive at Avignon at 11:52 and transfer from a TGV to a slower local train which will take me to Arles. I arrive in Arles in time for lunch (12:35).

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